
King Size Foam Fatigue Tester

King Size Foam Fatigue Tester

Our King Size Foam Fatigue Tester is a single station fatigue tester with a platform large enough to accommodate a standard king size or California king size mattress. It meets the requirements of ASTM D 3574 “Dynamic Fatigue Test by Constant Force Pounding.”

It features a manually positioned X-Y gantry system allowing testing at any location on the platform.  It also features four test sample corner retainers that can be manually adjusted in all directions.  Using a 12” stroke pneumatic cylinder connected to a fatigue rated 500lb. capacity load cell and the required 250mm diameter indenter foot, it can operate at up to 70 cycles per minute.  It is controlled by a touchscreen PLC and is capable of operating in either constant force or constant displacement modes.

Other load cell sizes, cycle rates, cylinder strokes, and indenter styles are available.  Contact us if you have different requirements and we will provide a solution that fits your needs. This tester requires 120VAC and 80 PSI of air.


Rental Options:

This Item is Available for rent OR Lease to own. Call 616-846-6530 for more Information.
(rental equipment is ONLY available in the continental US)