
Schap Offers Multiple Ways to Get Your Lab Running

Schap Offers Multiple Ways to Get Your Lab Running

One of the barriers to entering material testing in your lab is financing. With scarcity of limited resources, you are forced to have your testing done by outside, third-party services. You lose control over the process and have to trust someone else.

At Schap, we understand business finances. That’s why we offer alternatives. If you don’t have a large, capital expense included in your budget, there is no reason you cannot bring your testing needs in house.

Schap offers these financial options:

RENTAL – you can rent your equipment. Our North American customer make a monthly payment while using the full testing capabilities of the equipment. Use it as long as you want, and send it back when you are finished. None of our competitors offer this option. For more information, click here: SCHAP MACHINE RENTALS – SCHAP SPECIALTY MACHINE

RENT-TO-OWN – you can use your monthly rent payments towards purchasing the rented equipment. For more details about our rent-to-own program, click here: SCHAP MACHINE RENTALS – SCHAP SPECIALTY MACHINE. This is a way for Schap top help finance your purchase. None of our competitors offer this option.

We also know your capital expense budget is separate from your expenses. When sending your materials out for third-party testing, it’s an expense. So is the above rental option. The difference is, you are in control of your process.

Schap accepts credit card payments. This is another important requirement for many customers using an expense account.

If all else fails (and we hope you succeed), you can send your materials to our own Schap Laboratory Services for testing. Here is a copy of our A2LA accredited scope of services. Accredited Lab Services.