
Static Indentation and Recovery Fixture

Static Indentation and Recovery Fixture

This testing apparatus adheres to the stringent standards set forth in the Ford Test Specification BO 041-01. It is specifically designed to evaluate the recovery characteristics of soft interior composite components following the application of static load through the use of a precisely calibrated indenter.

The design of this apparatus closely follows the specifications outlined in Figure 4 of the BO 041-01 documentation, ensuring compliance and reliability in testing results.

**Key Features:**
– **Spherical Indenter:** 41 +/- 1 mm in diameter, enabling accurate and consistent measurements of material recovery.

This apparatus is an essential tool for assessing the performance and resilience of interior materials, contributing valuable data for quality assurance and product development. Its adherence to established industry standards makes it a reliable choice for engineers and researchers engaged in materials testing and automotive design.