

The Linear Headrest Impact Tester is intended to satisfy the linear requirements of FMVSS 222.  It includes a P.C. based Control & Data Acquisition system and operates on standard shop air

The impact ram is driven with standard shop air.  The Linear Headrest Impact Tester requires pre-charging a small accumulator to approximately 65 PSI, as indicated on a large rotary pressure gauge and adjusted with a manual precision regulator.  Once the exact charge pressure is determined, it rarely needs readjustment.  With the ram manually pushed back, the rebound latch unlocked and the accumulator charged, the system is ready to fire.

Data acquisition on the P.C. graphically captures the impact pulse from both accelerometers, which are mounted in the head.  It is programmed in Visual basic and operates in a Windows type format.  There are many features for cursors, calculations, operator and test sample data input, etc.  When completed, the results can be printed out on plain paper with the included printer, saved internally, saved to a disc, etc.  Anyone generally proficient with standard P.C. functions would have very few problems learning to operate this equipment.

Rental Options:

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(rental equipment is ONLY available in the continental US)