
Dry Fog Instrument 400 ml Beaker Insert Extraction Tool

Dry Fog Instrument 400 ml Beaker Insert Extraction Tool

This insert extraction tool is specifically designed to facilitate the efficient removal of the 400 ml beaker insert from the 1-liter Dry Fog Well. The fit between the 400 ml insert and the original well is notably snug, which means that even the smallest piece of debris can significantly hinder the extraction process.

To ensure optimal performance and ease of use, it is crucial to maintain a clean working environment and regularly inspect both the insert and the well for any obstructions. By employing this tool, users can effectively navigate the challenges posed by the tight clearance, leading to a smoother extraction experience.

In summary, the insert extraction tool serves as an invaluable resource for anyone working with the 1-liter Dry Fog Well, allowing for the careful and precise removal of the 400 ml insert while minimizing the risk of complications from debris.

For more information about our dry fog testers, click here. 6 Station Dry Fog Tester – SCHAP SPECIALTY MACHINE

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 50 × 120 × 230 mm

Quantity of 1, Quantity of 4, Quantity of 6