
Gardner Style Falling Dart Impact Tester

Gardner Style Falling Dart Impact Tester

The Gardner Style Falling Dart Impact Tester is used to test the impact resistance of many types of organic coatings on surfaces and is also used to establish quality standards for resistance to impact surface damage and penetration of the substrate construction material, such as plastics, resins, composites, fiberglass, sheet metals, etc.

The tester consists of a vertical tube that guides a cylindrical weight dropping onto an indenter resting on the test sample. The anvil base is constructed so that a thin flat sample panel can be inserted 2 inches below the tube. The weight has a pin handle which is used to raise the weight to the desired height in the graduated guide tube, and is released to facilitate the desired impact.

Graduations are marked in inch-pounds along the slot in the tube. By gradually increasing the distance the weight drops, the point at which failure usually occurs can be determined. A 2lb weight will develop an impact force of 80 inch-lbs and a 4lb weight will provide 160 inch – lbs of impact force. The impact damage to the test sample may be determined visually or by other methods such as magnification or by application of a copper sulfate solution on steel samples.

Our Gardner Style Falling Dart Impact Tester comes complete with the anvil base & tube/punch support mounting assembly, a 40 inch graduated drop guide tube, an indenter(punch), a sample support(die), both 2lb and 4lb weights, and operator instruction manual. This same tester is available in a Metric Version, with 1kg and 2kg weights, and graduation scales in kg-cm impact forces. Please specify when ordering, English or Metric version.

Also available from SCHAP Specialty Machine is an Extra-Heavy Duty Impact Tester which utilizes an 8lb weight and up to 40 inch drop heights Impact energies of up to 320 inch-pounds can be achieved. This tester is used for evaluating impact resistance of rigid sheets of PVC and other materials (30-60 mils thick) which exceed the 160 inch – lbs limit of the Heavy Duty Impact Tester.


  • Mechanical components are constructed of Aluminum and Stainless Steel
  • Durable Powder Coat and Anodized finishes
  • Various specimen holders are available and must be specified
  • Various impact weights are available and must be specified
  • Metric or English version, must be specified
  • 1 year manufacturer’s warranty
Weight 29 lbs
Dimensions 1250 × 250 × 250 mm