
6 Station Pilling Tester

6 Station Pilling Tester

Our 6 Station Pilling Tester is used for evaluating textile pilling, fabric pilling, woven material pilling or leather abrasion resistance.

Test samples are typically rubbed against known abradants such as nylon brush, sponge, or Velcro for a set number of cycles and then compared to industry test standards (such as ASTM D3512) or standards developed in your own lab to document the degree of pilling.

This tester is designed for use in conjunction with Standard Test Kits (See Below) which can be configured with various abradants, or test materials and test weights.

One or more of the following Test Kits must be added:


  • Mechanical components constructed of non-corrosive aluminum and solid stainless steel
  • Durable powder coat and anodized finishes
  • Precision ball and needle bearings
  • Programmable count-up controller with automatic stop
  • Adjustable jog and test speed controls
  • Vented Protective Cover protects operator hands from pinch points
  • Supply voltages vary and must be specified at time of purchase
  • High quality brushless electric motors
  • 1 year manufacturer’s warranty


Weight 130 lbs
Dimensions 1270 × 635 × 760 mm

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