
VW Heel Abrasion Tester

Specimens are loaded into the VW Heel Abrasion Tester. Then tested under a defined load with a rubber (shoe) heel in order to determine the wear resistance. This test method simulates the load on the floor covering in the area of the accelerator pedal, brake pedal and clutch pedal.

The specimen is placed under the heel (smooth side of the heel for abrasion) and fixed using suitable means. The heel must be lowered and then loaded with a weight in such a way that the total load corresponds to 5.6 kg during the test. Testing in longitudinal direction with the grain. (1 double stroke = 1 forward and 1 reverse motion)

The wear at the abraded area is evaluated for the overall visual impression. If necessary, evaluate any reduction of the useful layer or pile layer or any torn-out tufts or fibers.



Dry test

20 mm (40 ± 10) rpm After completion of a test

The test is carried out as described in above.


Wet test

As a deviation from 3.1, water is added in the heel area.

(up to 600g/m 2 pile weight: 5 ml; over 600g/m 2 pile weight: 10 ml)

The test starts when the water has penetrated into the pile.

The Rubber Pad is a consumable item. Replacements are available for purchase.